Many customers do not know what data they need to provide to the factory when they come to order packaging bags. So let me introduce the basic data that a customized packaging bag needs to provide.
1 Quantity: The specifications of the packaging bags are different, and the required minimum order quantities are different. Some customers require that the price be quoted first, and then the quantity is determined. This will make the factory very difficult, because the production of 1,000 bags and the production of 10,000 bags The cost of plate making and the cost of debugging the machine are the same. If you order less, the price will be higher, and if you order more, the price will be relatively cheaper. So it is difficult to quote the price without quantity.
2 Materials: The packaging materials include white cardboard, kraft paper, white paper, etc. The texture and price of bags produced from different materials are different.
3 size: The size of the packaging bag is divided into length, width, and height, and the price of different sizes is different.
4 Packaging bag printing: Packaging bag printing is generally single-sided and double-sided, black and white or color. There are also other special crafts.
5 Styles: There are many styles of packaging bags, and the difficulty, process, and efficiency of production are different, so the price is also different.
If you need any help with printing ,packaging or want us to help you figure out these upper steps. Feel free to ask me, we will working out for you any time.
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